Google Pixel 10 Tensor G5 Chip Reaches ‘Tapeout’ Stage, Mass Production Expected with TSMC in 2025

Get ready for a potential game-changer in the smartphone chip market! Google’s next-generation Tensor G5 chip, designed to power the upcoming Pixel 10 series, has reportedly reached the ‘tapeout’ stage. This signifies a major milestone, paving the way for mass production by industry leader TSMC using their cutting-edge 3nm process in late 2025.

What does ‘tapeout’ mean?

The ‘tapeout’ stage marks the final hurdle in the design process for an integrated circuit before it goes into mass production. Essentially, Google has finalized the design of the Tensor G5 chip and is now ready to hand it over to TSMC for manufacturing. This signifies a significant step forward for Google’s chip development ambitions.

Why the switch to TSMC?

Previously, Google relied on Samsung for producing its Tensor chips. However, TSMC’s proven track record in mass producing chips on next-generation nodes like the 3nm process seems to be a major factor in Google’s decision. This advanced technology promises significant performance and efficiency improvements compared to previous generations.

What are the potential benefits?

The collaboration between Google and TSMC on the Tensor G5 chip has the potential to be a game-changer for the Pixel 10 series. By leveraging TSMC’s leading-edge 3nm process, Google’s Pixel 10 could potentially compete on equal footing with flagships from Apple, Qualcomm, and MediaTek in terms of performance and battery life.

What’s next?

With the design finalized, Google is likely to provide TSMC with production details for the Tensor G5 chip in preparation for a late 2025 launch alongside the Pixel 10 series. While specific details about the Tensor G5’s configuration remain under wraps, rumors suggest Google is developing custom CPU and GPU cores for this next-generation chip.

The Pixel 10 series, powered by the Tensor G5 chip manufactured by TSMC, could be a major contender in the high-end smartphone market. This collaboration between tech giants holds the promise of significant advancements in performance, efficiency, and user experience for Pixel phone users.

Source: Commercial Times

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